Yes it are new directories. I did some debugging ... The Cassandra code is org.apache.cassandra.db.Directories::migrateFile. It is detecting that it is a manifest (based on the .json extension). But then it does not take in account that something like <MyColumnFamily-old.json> can exist. Then it is using <MyColumnFamily-old> as a directory name in a call to a function destDir = getOrCreate(ksDir, dirname, additionalPath), while it should be < MyColumnFamily>.
So I guess that the cfname computation should be adapted to include the "-old.json" manifest files. Ignace From: aaron morton [] Sent: vrijdag 8 februari 2013 03:09 To: Subject: Re: Directory structure after upgrading 1.0.8 to 1.2.1 the -old.json is an artefact of Levelled Compaction. You should see a non -old file in the current CF folder. I'm not sure what would have created the -old CF dir. Does the timestamp indicate it was created the time the server first started as a 1.2 node? Cheers ----------------- Aaron Morton Freelance Cassandra Developer New Zealand @aaronmorton On 7/02/2013, at 10:39 PM, "Desimpel, Ignace" <<>> wrote: After upgrading from 1.0.8 I see that now the directory structure has changed and has a structure like <keyspace><columnfamily> (part of the 1.1.x migration). But I also see that directories appear like <keyspace><columnfamily-old>, and the content of that 'old' directory is only one file <columnfamily-old.json>. Questions : Should this xxx-old.json file be in the other directory? Should the extra directory <xxx-old> not be created? Or was that intentionally done and is it allowed to remove these directories ( manually ... )? Thanks