In cql3 a column must be all the same type . Since cql transposes columns
the only thing they can be is byte array. Cql2 is better at compact tables
in. This regard.

On Thursday, February 7, 2013, Dinusha Dilrukshi wrote:

> Hi,
> We are using same underlying column family and extract the data using Hive
> query and CQL query.
> Column family meta data contains Comparator='IntegerType'
>  and default_validation_class = FloatType.
> WITH COMPARATOR = 'IntegerType'
>  AND key_validation_class = UTF8Type
>  AND default_validation_class = FloatType;
> Queering through Hive using a Hive query returns readable data while
> queering using CQL returns byte format.
> Hive query result:
> localhost:8282 1350465600 71.0
> localhost:8282 1350466500 69.0
> CQL query result:
>  localhost:8282 | 232340574229062120517680 | 1.0561e-05
>  localhost:8282 | 232340574229062137229360 | 2.7594e-06
> Can someone explains the above behavior ?
> Regards,
> DInusha.

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