Made a d-test for easier reproduction and created

On 1 February 2013 15:14, Alexei Bakanov <> wrote:
> Hi again,
> Once started playing with CCM it's hard to stop, such a great tool.
> My issue with secondary indexes is following: neither explicit
> 'nodetool repair' nor implicit 'hinted handoffs/read repairs' resolve
> inconsistencies in data I get from secondary indexes.
> I observe this for both one- and 2-datacenter deployments, independent
> of caching settings. Rebuilding/droping and creating index or
> restarting nodes doesn't help.
> In the following scenario I start up 2 nodes and insert some rows with
> CL.ONE. During this process I deliberately stop and start the nodes in
> order to trigger inconsistencies.
> I then query all data by its index with read CL.ONE and stop if I see
> that data is missing. I see that none of C* repair mechanisms work for
> secondary indexes.
> $ ccm create --cassandra-version 1.2.1 --nodes 2 -p RandomPartitioner
> test2ndIndexRepair
> $ ccm start
> $ ccm node1 cli
> -> create keyspace and column family  (please find schemas attached)
> $ python (in first terminal)
> $ ccm node1 stop; sleep 10; ccm node1 start   (in second terminal,
> while runs)
> $ ccm node2 stop; sleep 10; ccm node2 start   (in second terminal,
> while runs. Hinted Handoffs do the work but
> unfortunately not on Secondary Indexes)
> $ python
> ....
> 254
> 255
> 256
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "", line 19, in <module>
>     raise Exception('missing rows for userId %s, data length is
> %d'%(userId, len(data)))
> Exception: missing rows for userId 256, data length is 0
> $ ccm cli
> [default@unknown] use testks;
> Authenticated to keyspace: testks
> [default@testks] get cf1 where 'indexedColumn'='userId_256';
> 0 Row Returned.
> Elapsed time: 47 msec(s).
> $ python  (running one more time in hope that 'read
> repair' kicked in after the last query, but unfortunately no)
> ....
> 254
> 255
> 256
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "", line 19, in <module>
>     raise Exception('missing rows for userId %s, data length is
> %d'%(userId, len(data)))
> Exception: missing rows for userId 256, data length is 0
> $ ccm node1 repair
> $ ccm node2 repair
> $ ccm cli
> [default@unknown] use testks;
> Authenticated to keyspace: testks
> [default@testks] get cf1 where 'indexedColumn'='userId_256';
> 0 Row Returned.
> Both cassandra instances run with -Xms1927M -Xmx1927M -Xmn400M
> Thanks for help.
> Best regards,
> Alexei
> ------START cassandra-cli schemas ------------
> create keyspace testks
>   with placement_strategy = 'NetworkTopologyStrategy'
>   and strategy_options = {datacenter1 : 2}
>   and durable_writes = true;
> use testks;
> create column family cf1
>   with column_type = 'Standard'
>   and comparator = 'AsciiType'
>   and default_validation_class = 'UTF8Type'
>   and key_validation_class = 'UTF8Type'
>   and read_repair_chance = 1.0
>   and dclocal_read_repair_chance = 1.0
>   and gc_grace = 864000
>   and min_compaction_threshold = 4
>   and max_compaction_threshold = 32
>   and replicate_on_write = true
>   and compaction_strategy =
> 'org.apache.cassandra.db.compaction.SizeTieredCompactionStrategy'
>   and caching = 'KEYS_ONLY'
>   and column_metadata = [
>     {column_name : 'indexedColumn',
>     validation_class : UTF8Type,
>     index_name : 'INDEX1',
>     index_type : 0}]
>   and compression_options = {'sstable_compression' :
> ''};
> ------FINISH cassandra-cli schemas ------------
> ------START ----------
> import datetime
> from pycassa.batch import Mutator
> import pycassa
> pool = pycassa.ConnectionPool('testks', timeout=5,
> server_list=['', ''])
> cf = pycassa.ColumnFamily(pool, 'cf1')
> for userId in xrange(0, 2000):
>     print userId
>     b = Mutator(pool, queue_size=200)
>     for itemId in xrange(20):
>         rowKey = 'userId_%s:itemId_%s'%(userId, itemId)
>         for message_number in xrange(10):
>             b.insert(cf, rowKey, {'indexedColumn': 'userId_%s'%userId,
> str(message_number): str(message_number)})
>     b.send()
> pool.dispose()
> ------FINISH ----------
> ------START ----------
> import pycassa
> from pycassa.columnfamily import ColumnFamily
> from pycassa.pool import ConnectionPool
> from pycassa.index import *
> pool = pycassa.ConnectionPool('testks', server_list=['',
> ''])
> cf = pycassa.ColumnFamily(pool, 'cf1')
> for userId in xrange(2000):
>     print userId
>     index_expr = create_index_expression('indexedColumn', 'userId_%s'%userId)
>     index_clause = create_index_clause([index_expr], count=10000000)
>     data = list(cf.get_indexed_slices(index_clause=index_clause))
>     if len(data) != 20:
>         raise Exception('missing rows for userId %s, data length is
> %d'%(userId, len(data)))
> pool.dispose()
> ------FINISH ----------

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