There is a command line utility in 1.2 to shuffle the tokens…

$ ./cassandra-shuffle --help
Missing sub-command argument.
Usage: shuffle [options] <sub-command>

 create           Initialize a new shuffle operation
 ls               List pending relocations
 clear            Clear pending relocations
 en[able]         Enable shuffling
 dis[able]        Disable shuffling

 -dc,  --only-dc           Apply only to named DC (create only)
 -tp,  --thrift-port       Thrift port number (Default: 9160)
 -p,   --port              JMX port number (Default: 7199)
 -tf,  --thrift-framed     Enable framed transport for Thrift (Default: false)
 -en,  --and-enable        Immediately enable shuffling (create only)
 -H,   --help              Print help information
 -h,   --host              JMX hostname or IP address (Default: localhost)
 -th,  --thrift-host       Thrift hostname or IP address (Default: JMX host)


Aaron Morton
Freelance Cassandra Developer
New Zealand


On 3/02/2013, at 11:32 PM, Manu Zhang <> wrote:

> On Sun 03 Feb 2013 05:45:56 AM CST, Daning Wang wrote:
>> I'd like to upgrade from 1.1.6 to 1.2.1, one big feature in 1.2 is
>> that it can have multiple tokens in one node. but there is only one
>> token in 1.1.6.
>> how can I upgrade to 1.2.1 then breaking the token to take advantage
>> of this feature? I went through this doc but it does not say how to
>> change the num_token
>> Is there other doc about this upgrade path?
>> Thanks,
>> Daning
> I think for each node you need to change the num_token option in 
> conf/cassandra.yaml (this only split the current range into num_token parts) 
> and run the bin/cassandra-shuffle command (this spread it all over the ring).

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