On Fri 25 Jan 2013 07:42:03 PM CST, Ravikumar Govindarajan wrote:
I came across two issue fixes in 1.2 release
a) Cassandra-3885 - Specify Multiple Ranges in SliceQueryFilter
b) Cassandra-3708 - Specify range during tombstone ops
We have composite columns in our app and wish to utilize the above 2 fixes
Ex: Delete all columns with only first-part of Composite column key,
containing 2 parts
Get all columns based on first-part of Composite column,
containing 2 parts. {key --> [firstpart1-*, firstpart2-*,
Are these available in CQL/Thrift of 1.2 release?
yes, put the first part into the primary key when you create table in
CQL3 and when doing the query you'd better provide the row key as well