As you may be aware I've been trying to track down a problem using JDBC 1.1.2 with Cassandra 1.2.0 I was getting a null pointer exception in the result set. I've done some digging into the JDBC driver and found the following.
In the new result set is Instantiated in CassandraResultSet(Statement statement, CqlResult resultSet, String keyspace) I decided to trace the result set with the following code: rowsIterator = resultSet.getRowsIterator(); System.out.println("-------------------------------"); while(rowsIterator.hasNext()){ CqlRow row =; curRowKey = row.getKey(); System.out.println("Row Key "+curRowKey); List<Column> cols = row.getColumns(); Iterator<Column> iterator; iterator = cols.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()){ Column col=(Column); String Name= new String(col.getName()); String Value = new String(col.getValue()); System.out.println("Col "+Name+ " : "+Value); } } This produced the following output: ------------------------------- Row Key [B@617e53c9 Col key : jsmith Col : Col password : ch@ngem3a Row Key [B@2caee320 Col key : jbrown Col : Col gender : male ------------------------------- As you can see there is a black column at position 2 in each of the rows. As this resultset has come from the Cassandra thrift client ( I believe) the problem amy lay there. There is no blank column defined by my SQL create statements I believe. If I'm correct here, should I raise a ticket with JDBC or Cassandra ? (for now I've patched my local JDBC driver so it doesn't create a TypedColumn if the result set produces a null column) Andy The University of Dundee is a Scottish Registered Charity, No. SC015096.