Thanks for replies. 2013/1/25 Michael Kjellman <>
> More nodes! > > On Jan 25, 2013, at 7:21 AM, "Alain RODRIGUEZ" <> wrote: > > fwiw, I have a mixed ubuntu 11.10 / 12.04 6 node cluster (AWS m1.xlarge). > > The load average is always between 0 and 5 for 11.10 nodes while 12.04 > nodes shows all the time a load between 2 and 20. > > I have the same configuration on each node and the average request latency > is a few better on 12.04 nodes (which have the higher load). > > htop shows about the same cpu used for any of these nodes so does iostat > (same iowait, user, system...). > > I am not sure why this load increase, but I am not sure either that this > is a problem. > > Alain > > > 2013/1/25 Everton Lima <> > >> Hello, >> I was storing many data in a cluster of 7 nodes with replication factor 3. >> The variable Load(cpu), that can be viewed in >> >> opscenter -> cluster -> List view >> >> is upping over than 15. >> >> Is there any manner to minimize this? >> >> Thanks >> >> -- >> Everton Lima Aleixo >> Bacharel em Ciência da Computação pela UFG >> Mestrando em Ciência da Computação pela UFG >> Programador no LUPA >> >> > -- Everton Lima Aleixo Bacharel em Ciência da Computação pela UFG Mestrando em Ciência da Computação pela UFG Programador no LUPA