No, I don't mean 2 instances.

Cassandra 1.2.0 has 2 completely separate client server: the thrift one and
the native protocol one. You can start those independently. So, on the same
instance you can have either just thrift, just the native protocol, both of
them or none of them (though that latter option is definitively the less
useful one). You choose: start_rpc defines whether thrift is started,
start_native_protocol defines whether the native protocol is started.

Now whatever you should to start, only client using the thrift transport
(cassandra-cli and cqlsh being of this kind) will be able to connect to the
thrift server, and only client using the native protocol (say will be able to connect through
the native protocol.


On Fri, Jan 25, 2013 at 12:09 PM, Vivek Mishra <>wrote:

> Means start 2 instances , 1 for thrift based access and another for
> native? Of course on different port.
> Once i enable *native_transport_port: 9042*, it will not start cassandra
> thrift automatically? Even if *start_rpc: true*
> -Vivek
> On Fri, Jan 25, 2013 at 4:33 PM, Sylvain Lebresne <>wrote:
>> Well, the cassandra-cli uses the thrift protocol, so it will not work is
>> you use start_rpc: false.
>> Whether you start the binary protocol server has no real impact as
>> Cassandra is fine starting both server (as long as you don't set the same
>> port for both for obvious reasons).
>> Obviously, if you point cassandra-cli to the port used by the binary
>> protocol, that won't work either.
>> --
>> Sylvain
>> On Fri, Jan 25, 2013 at 11:53 AM, Vivek Mishra <>wrote:
>>> Is this a valid assumption that cassandra-cli will not work, if
>>> Cassandra server is getting started by enabling CQL binary protocol?
>>> -Vivek

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