Le 22 janv. 2013 à 21:50, Rob Coli <rc...@palominodb.com> a écrit :

> On Wed, Jan 16, 2013 at 1:30 PM, Nicolas Lalevée
> <nicolas.lale...@hibnet.org> wrote:
>> Here is the long story.
>> After some long useless staring at the monitoring graphs, I gave a try to
>> using the openjdk 6b24 rather than openjdk 7u9
> OpenJDK 6 and 7 are both counter-recommended with regards to
> Cassandra. I've heard reports of mysterious behavior like the behavior
> you describe, when using OpenJDK 7.
> Try using the Sun/Oracle JVM? Is your JNA working?

JNA is working.
I tried both oracle-jdk6 and oracle-jdk7, no difference with openjdk6. And 
since ubuntu is only maintaining openjdk, we'll stick with it until oracle's 
one proven better.
oracle vs openjdk, I tested for now under "normal" pressure though.

What amaze me is whatever how much I google it and ask around, I still don't 
know for sure the difference between the openjdk and oracle's jdk…


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