
I am trying to maximize execution of the number of read queries/second.

Here is my cluster configuration.

Replication - Default
12 Data Nodes.
16 Client Nodes - used for querying.

Each client node executes 32 threads - each thread executes 76896 read
queries using  cassandra-cli tool.
       i.e all the read queries are stored in a file and that file is
given to cassandra-cli tool ( using -f option ) which is executed by a
so, total number of queries for 16 client Nodes is 16 * 32 * 76896.

The read queries on each client node submitted at the same time. The
time taken for 16 * 32 * 76896 read queries is nearly 742 seconds -
which is nearly 53k transactions/second.

I would like to know if there is any other way/tool through which I
can improve the number of transactions/second.
Is the performance affected by cassandra-cli tool?


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