Hello, I am currently using hadoop + cassandra at amazon AWS. Cassandra runs on EC2 and my hadoop process runs at EMR. For cassandra storage, I am using local EC2 EBS disks. My system is running fine for my tests, but to me it's not a good setup for production. I need my system to perform well for specially for writes on cassandra, but the amount of data could grow really big, taking several Tb of total storage. My first guess was using S3 as a storage and I saw this can be done by using Cloudian package, but I wouldn't like to become dependent on a pre-package solution and I found it's kind of expensive for more than 100Tb: http://www.cloudian.com/pricing.html I saw some discussion at internet about using EBS or ephemeral disks for storage at Amazon too.
My question is: does someone on this list have the same problem as me? What are you using as solution to Cassandra's storage when running it at Amazon AWS? Any thoughts would be highly appreciatted. Best regards, -- Marcelo Elias Del Valle http://mvalle.com - @mvallebr