Hi, I am facing some problems while retrieving a some events from a column family. I am using as column family name the event name plus the timestamp of when it occurred. The thing is that now I want to find out the latest event and I don't how to query asking for the last event without a RangeSlicesQuery, getting all rows, and columns, and asking one by one. Is there any other better way of doing this using Hector client?
[default@clickstream] list click_event; ------------------- RowKey: 706d63666164696e3a31396132613664322d633730642d343139362d623638642d396663663638343766333563 => (column=start:2013-01-13 18:14:59.244, value=, timestamp=1358118943979000) => (column=stop:2013-01-13 18:15:56.793, value=323031332d30312d31332031383a31353a35382e333437, timestamp=1358118960946000) Thanks in advance! Renato M.