Dear all,

[Apologies if you receive this CFP multiple times or are uninterested]

I am organizing the British Conference on Databases(BNCOD) this year and we
would very much  like to see some industrial contributions around Big Data.
How have you used Hadoop, HBase, Cassandra, Machine learning techniques in
a way that others might want to know about? All contributions are
peer-reviewed so the quality should be somewhat high. Get in touch with me
if you have any questions.

        29th British National Conference on Databases
            University of Oxford, United Kingdom
                     8-10 July 2013

                    CALL FOR PAPERS
             Abstract deadline: 31 January, 2013
             Paper deadline: 7 February 2013

BNCOD 2013 seeks research papers for presentation at the conference
and subsequent publication. It welcomes research papers on a broad
range of topics related to data-centric computation. For some years,
every edition of BNCOD has centred around a main theme, acting as a
focal point for keynote addresses, tutorials, and research papers. The
theme of BNCOD 2013 will be Big Data; it encompases a growing need to
manage data that is too big, too fast, or too hard for the existing
technology (Sam Madden: From Databases to Big Data. IEEE Internet
Computing 16(3): 4-6 (2012)).

BNCOD promises a very exciting programme featuring keynotes and
tutorials by distinguished researchers.

Christoph Koch will speak on Compilation and Synthesis in Big Data
Analytics and Dan Suciu will speak on Big Data Begets Big Database
Theory. There will be a further keynote by Peter Buneman.

There will also be tutorials on Querying Big Social Data by Wenfei Fan
and on Big Data Analytics by Chris Re.


The topics listed below are intended as a sample; we encourage
submissions on all data-centric topics.

Systems for Data Management: data system architecture; storage,
replication and consistency; physical representations; query and
dataflow processing

Scalable Data Analysis: complex queries and search; approximate
querying; scalable statistical methods; management of uncertainty and
reasoning at scale; data privacy and security; data mining and
knowledge discovery

Management of Very Large Data Systems: availability; adaptivity and
self-tuning; power management; virtualization

Data Models and Languages: XML and semi-structured data; multi-media,
temporal and spatial data; data streams; declarative languages;
language interfaces for databases

Domain-Specific Data Management: methods and systems for science;
networks and mobility; ubiquitous computing; sensor databases

Management of Web and Heterogeneous Data: information extraction;
information integration; meta-data management; data cleaning; service
oriented architectures

User Interfaces and Social Data: data visualization; collaborative
data analysis and curation; social networks; email and messaging

Data and Knowledge: Knowledge base management, reasoning over
incomplete and/or inconsistent data, ontology-based data access,
ontology querying, semantic query optimization, storing and
manipulating RDF data.


The conference management tool for the submission of abstracts and
papers is accessible at

Full papers (from 12 to 14 pages), short papers (from 4 to 10 pages),
system descriptions and demonstrations (from 4 to 10 pages) may be

As in previous years, papers will be published by Springer as a volume
in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) series. Accepted
papers will only be published if they are presented in person by a
registered author at the conference.

Submissions are reviewed in a single-blind manner. They must be in PDF
and formatted according to the Springer guidelines for the LNCS

Dr Andy Twigg
Junior Research Fellow, St Johns College, Oxford
Room 351, Department of Computer Science | +447799647538

Dr Andy Twigg
Junior Research Fellow, St Johns College, Oxford
Room 351, Department of Computer Science | +447799647538

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