On Thu, Dec 13, 2012 at 11:43 AM, Drew Kutcharian <d...@venarc.com> wrote:
> With Java 6 begin EOL-ed soon 
> (https://blogs.oracle.com/java/entry/end_of_public_updates_for), what's the 
> status of Cassandra's Java 7 support? Anyone using it in production? Any 
> outstanding *known* issues?

I'd love to see an official statement from the project, due to the
sort of EOL issues you're referring to. Unfortunately previous
requests on this list for such a statement have gone unanswered.

The non-official response is that various people run in production
with Java 7 and it seems to work. :)


=Robert Coli
AIM&GTALK - rc...@palominodb.com
YAHOO - rcoli.palominob
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