In our main application we are using local quorum to read. I realise
the default for cli is one, the point is that we want all our data on
all the servers, hence specifying [dc1:3, dc2:3] as the replication
strategy. After a couple of days we would expect it to have

As I said, we will try the first suggestion to see if that helps.

Again, thanks to both of you.


On 4 December 2012 09:06, aaron morton <> wrote:
> A few days after writing the data, we tried this on cassandra-cli
> The default consistency level in the CLI is ONE, did you change it to LOCAL
> (I'm assuming your example is for two reads from the same CF)
> It looks like the first read was done at a lower CL, and the value returned
> is valid in the sense that one replica did not have any data. Behind the
> scenes Read Repair was active on the request and it repaired the one replica
> the first read was from. So the next time round the value was there.
> If you want strongly consistent behaviour using QUOURM or LOCAL QUOURM for
> both reads and writes.
> Cheers
> -----------------
> Aaron Morton
> Freelance Cassandra Developer
> New Zealand
> @aaronmorton
> -----------------
> Aaron Morton
> Freelance Cassandra Developer
> New Zealand
> @aaronmorton
> On 4/12/2012, at 9:33 AM, Owen Davies <> wrote:
> We have written a large amount of data to Cassandra from another
> database. When writing the client was set to write local quorum.
> A few days after writing the data, we tried this on cassandra-cli
> get example['key'][123];
> Value was not found
> Elapsed time: 50 msec(s).
> Then a bit later
> get datapoints['key'][123];
> => (column=123, value=456, timestamp=1354095697384001)
> Elapsed time: 77 msec(s).
> We assume this is to do with replication, with the first read causing
> a repair, but there dosen't seem to be any way of seeing what date is
> on which servers to validate.
> I have not had a chance yet of trying the previous suggestion.
> Owen
> On 3 December 2012 20:18, aaron morton <> wrote:
> When reading, sometimes the data is there,
> sometimes it is not, which we think is a replication issue, even
> though we have left it plenty of time after the writes.
> Can you provide some more information on this ?
> Are you talking about writes to one DC and reads from another ?
> Cheers
> -----------------
> Aaron Morton
> Freelance Cassandra Developer
> New Zealand
> @aaronmorton
> On 4/12/2012, at 6:45 AM, Шамим <> wrote:
> Yes, it's should be. dc1:3 means u have 3 copy of every piece of row, with
> local quorum you always get a good consistency from 3 nodes.
> First you have to calculate token for data center dc1 and add offset 100 to
> token for the second data center which will resolve your problem. After
> creating the keyspace you can run the nodetool command with ring KEYSPACE
> NAME which should show u the load for every node as 33%
> Hope it will help u
> Shamim
> Hi Shamim
> I have read a bit about the Tokens. I understand how that could effect
> the data distribution at first, but I don't understand if we have
> specified Options: [dc1:3, dc2:3], surely after a while all the data
> will be on every server?
> Thanks,
> Owen
> On 3 December 2012 14:06, Шамим <> wrote:
> Hello Owen,
> Seems you did not configure token for all nodes correctly. See the section
> Calculating Tokens for multiple data centers here
> Best regards
> Shamim
> ---
> On Mon, Dec 3, 2012 at 4:42 PM, Owen Davies <> wrote:
> We have a 2 data center test cassandra setup running, and are writing
> to it using LOCAL_QUORUM. When reading, sometimes the data is there,
> sometimes it is not, which we think is a replication issue, even
> though we have left it plenty of time after the writes.
> We have the following setup:
> cassandra -v: 1.1.6
> cassandra.yaml
> -----------------------
> cluster_name: something
> endpoint_snitch: PropertyFileSnitch
> --------------------------------------------
> default=nodc:norack
> cassandra-cli
> --------------------
> Keyspace: example:
> Replication Strategy: org.apache.cassandra.locator.NetworkTopologyStrategy
> Durable Writes: true
> Options: [dc1:3, dc2:3]
> nodetool ring
> -------------------
> Address DC Rack Status State Load
> Effective-Ownership Token
> 159447687142037741049740936276011715300
> dc1 rack1 Up Normal 111.17 GB
> 100.00% 67165620003619490909052924699950283577
> dc1 rack1 Up Normal 204.57 GB
> 100.00% 71045951808949151217931264995073558408
> dc2 rack1 Up Normal 209.92 GB
> 100.00% 107165019770579893816561717940612111506
> dc1 rack1 Up Normal 209.92 GB
> 100.00% 114165363957966360026729000065495595953
> dc2 rack1 Up Normal 198.22 GB
> 100.00% 147717787092318068320268200174271353451
> dc2 rack1 Up Normal 179.31 GB
> 100.00% 159447687142037741049740936276011715300
> Does anyone have any ideas why every server does not have the same
> amount of data on?
> Thanks,
> Owen
> --

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