> Compact storage is the schemaless of old.
Right. That comes with the downside of picking one :) It does not seem
the compact storage is the default choice for the the future. As well as
interop with the thrift/cli world, I also find it hard to reason about
row caching with CQL defined tables. I still work through thrift/cli as
a result, which is a pity because CQL has a nice surface.
On 28/11/12 01:32, Edward Capriolo wrote:
Are you saying that now cassandra is less schema less ? :)
Compact storage is the schemaless of old.
On Tuesday, November 27, 2012, Bill de hÓra <b...@dehora.net
<mailto:b...@dehora.net>> wrote:
>> I'm not sure I always
>> understand what people mean by "schema less"
>> exactly and I'm curious.
> For 'schema less', given this -
> {{{
> cqlsh> use example;
> cqlsh:example> CREATE TABLE users (
> ... user_name varchar,
> ... password varchar,
> ... gender varchar,
> ... session_token varchar,
> ... state varchar,
> ... birth_year bigint,
> ... PRIMARY KEY (user_name)
> ... );
> }}}
> I expect this would not cause an unknown identifier error -
> {{{
> (user_name, password, extra, moar)
> ('bob', 'secret', 'a', 'b');
> }}}
> but definitions vary.
> Bill
> On 26/11/12 09:18, Sylvain Lebresne wrote:
>> On Mon, Nov 26, 2012 at 8:41 AM, aaron morton
<aa...@thelastpickle.com <mailto:aa...@thelastpickle.com>
>> <mailto:aa...@thelastpickle.com <mailto:aa...@thelastpickle.com>>>
>> > > Is there any noticeable performance difference between thrift
or CQL3?
>> > Off the top of my head it's within 5% (maybe 10%) under stress tests.
>> See Eric's talk at the Cassandra SF conference for the exact numbers.
>> Eric's benchmark results was that "normal" queries were slightly slower
>> but prepared one (and in real life, I see no good reason not to prepare
>> statements) were actually slightly faster.
>> > CQL 3 requires a schema, however altering the schema is easier. And
>> in 1.2 will support concurrent schema modifications.
>> > Thrift API is still schema less.
>> Sorry to hijack this thread, but I'd be curious (like seriously, I'm not
>> trolling) to understand what you mean by "CQL 3 requires a schema" but
>> "Thrift API is still schema less". Basically I'm not sure I always
>> understand what people mean by "schema less" exactly and I'm curious.
>> --
>> Sylvain