Does the array have to be a KEY? Sorry I don't understand this question.
In the samples you give you specify array as CREATE COLUMNFAMILY Description ( PRIMARY_KEY (vector_name, index), Age text, Gender text, vector_name text, index bigint, ... Or CREATE COLUMNFAMILY Description ( PRIMARY_KEY (listr_name, sort_key), Age text, Gender text, sort_key bigint, list_name text .. In both cases the array is the PRIMARY_KEY. In order for an array to work does the array have to be a KEY? From: aaron morton [] Sent: Tuesday, November 13, 2012 10:18 PM To: Subject: Re: CF metadata syntax for an array Would this syntax be the same for CREATE COLUMNFAMILY (as an aside what is a 'TABLE' in Cassandra)? Yes, CQL 2 uses COLUMN FAMILY or Table and CQL 3 uses TABLE In other words is this valid: Does it work ? Is so it's valid. Does the array have to be a KEY? Sorry I don't understand this question. Finally, what would be the syntax for inserting data into the CF? Depends on what you want to do. Docs are a good starting point Cheers ----------------- Aaron Morton Freelance Developer @aaronmorton On 14/11/2012, at 2:42 AM, Kevin Burton <> wrote: Sorry to be so slow but I am just learning CQL. Would this syntax be the same for CREATE COLUMNFAMILY (as an aside what is a 'TABLE' in Cassandra)? In other words is this valid: CREATE COLUMNFAMILY Description ( PRIMARY_KEY (vector_name, index), Age text, Gender text, vector_name text, index bigint, ... Or CREATE COLUMNFAMILY Description ( PRIMARY_KEY (listr_name, sort_key), Age text, Gender text, sort_key bigint, list_name text .. Does the array have to be a KEY? Finally, what would be the syntax for inserting data into the CF? Thanks again. From: aaron morton [] Sent: Tuesday, November 13, 2012 4:09 AM To: Subject: Re: CF metadata syntax for an array While this solves the problem for an array of 'primitive' types. What if I want an array or collection of an arbitrary type like list<foo>, where foo is a user defined type? Do you mean a custom Cassandra data type that sub classes AbstractType? I dont think CQL can support those, I may be wrong though. If you mean a basic client side data type you could serialise it and store as a string or byte buffer in a CQL collection. What are the options to solve this type of array? ... arbitrary type like list<foo>, Do you mean an array such as int[] or do you mean the equivalent of a java List<T> with functions like remove that actually delete items and from the list? If it's the former a CQL table such as below would work CREATE TABLE vectors ( vector_name text, index bigint, object_property_1 text, object_property_2 text, PRIMARY_KEY (vector_name, index) ); The problem is, if you delete a element at (vector, index) the remaining indexes will be off. If it's the later, a List<T>, then it depends a little on what features you want to support. If you want a sorted list of objects the table is roughly the same CREATE TABLE List ( list_name text, sort_key bigint, object_property_1 text, object_property_2 text, PRIMARY_KEY (list_name, sort_key) ); Hope that helps. ----------------- Aaron Morton Freelance Developer @aaronmorton <> ----------------- Aaron Morton Freelance Developer @aaronmorton <> On 13/11/2012, at 9:46 AM, Kevin Burton < <>> wrote: While this solves the problem for an array of 'primitive' types. What if I want an array or collection of an arbitrary type like list<foo>, where foo is a user defined type? I am guessing that this cannot be done with 'collections'. What are the options to solve this type of array? On Nov 12, 2012, at 2:28 PM, aaron morton < <>> wrote: This may help <> I have gotten as far as feeling a need to understand a 'super-column' You can happily ignore them. Cheers ----------------- Aaron Morton Freelance Developer @aaronmorton <> On 12/11/2012, at 8:35 PM, Kevin Burton < <>> wrote: I am sorry if this is an FAQ. But I was wondering what the syntax for describing an array? I have gotten as far as feeling a need to understand a 'super-column' but I fail after that. Once I have the metadata in place to describe an array how do I insert data into the array? Get data from the array? Thank you.