Hi all,


I'm trying to create a keyspace through the CQL Binary Protocol but lamely
failed at doing this simple task with 1.2b2/cql3.


Various command tried:


DEBUG 18:08:23,240 Received: OPTIONS

DEBUG 18:08:23,240 Responding: SUPPORTED {CQL_VERSION=[3.0.0],

DEBUG 18:08:23,254 Received: STARTUP {CQL_VERSION=3.0.0}

DEBUG 18:08:23,254 Responding: READY

DEBUG 18:08:23,269 Received: QUERY CREATE KEYSPACE Excelsior WITH
strategy_class='SimpleStrategy' AND strategy_options:replication_factor = 1

DEBUG 18:08:23,269 request complete

DEBUG 18:08:23,270 Responding: ERROR SYNTAX_ERROR: line 1:83 mismatched
input ':' expecting '='

DEBUG 18:08:23,303 Received: QUERY CREATE KEYSPACE Excelsior WITH
strategy_class='SimpleStrategy' AND strategy_options={replication_factor:1}

DEBUG 18:08:23,303 request complete

DEBUG 18:08:23,303 Responding: ERROR SYNTAX_ERROR: line 1:85 mismatched
input 'replication_factor' expecting set null

DEBUG 18:08:23,330 Received: QUERY CREATE KEYSPACE Excelsior WITH
placement_strategy='SimpleStrategy' AND strategy_options:replication_factor
= 1

DEBUG 18:08:23,330 request complete

DEBUG 18:08:23,330 Responding: ERROR SYNTAX_ERROR: line 1:87 mismatched
input ':' expecting '='

DEBUG 18:08:23,357 Received: QUERY CREATE KEYSPACE Excelsior WITH
placement_strategy='SimpleStrategy' AND

DEBUG 18:08:23,357 request complete

DEBUG 18:08:23,357 Responding: ERROR SYNTAX_ERROR: line 1:89 mismatched
input 'replication_factor' expecting set null


But nothing seems to work as expected.

Could someone point me how to create a keyspace under CQL 3 using binary
protocol (don't know if binary protocol changes things on this anyway) ?


Thanks a lot,

- Pierre


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