Nice DeanŠ

I'm not so sure we would run the server, but we'd definitely be interested
in the logback adaptor.
(We would then just access the data via Virgil (over REST), with a thin
javascript UI)

Let me/us know if you end up putting it out there.  We intend centralize
logging sometime over the next few months.


Brian O'Neill
Lead Architect, Software Development
Health Market Science
The Science of Better Results
2700 Horizon Drive € King of Prussia, PA € 19406
M: 215.588.6024 € @boneill42 <>  €

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On 11/1/12 10:33 AM, "Hiller, Dean" <> wrote:

>2 questions
> 1.  What are people using for logging servers for their web tier logging?
> 2.  Would anyone be interested in a new logging server(any programming
>language) for web tier to log to your existing cassandra(it uses up disk
>space in proportion to number of web servers and just has a rolling
>window of logs along with a window of threshold dumps)?
>Context for second question: I like less systems since it is less
>maintenance/operations cost and so yesterday I quickly wrote up some log
>back appenders which support (SLF4J/log4j/jdk/commons libraries) and send
>the logs from our client tier into cassandra.  It is simply a rolling
>window of logs so the space used in cassandra is proportional to the
>amount of web  servers I have(currently, I have 4 web servers).  I am
>also thinking about adding warning type logging such that on warning, the
>last N logs info and above are flushed along with the warning so
>basically two rolling windows.  Then in the GUI, it simply shows the logs
>and if you click on a session, it switches to a view with all the logs
>for that session(no matter which server since in our cluster the session
>switches servers on every request since we are statelessŠ.our session id
>is in the cookie).
>Well, let me know if anyone is interested and would actually use such a
>thing and if so, we might create a server around it.

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