
I'm attempting to build an index on a column acting as part of a composite

This is what I have so far:

CREATE TABLE userinfo2 (
       campaignId int,
       TS timestamp,
       somevalue text,
       PRIMARY KEY (campaignId, TS)

INSERT INTO userinfo2 (campaignId, TS, somevalue) VALUES (23, '2012-10-01',
'Fuck that');
INSERT INTO userinfo2 (campaignId, TS, somevalue) VALUES (52, '2012-10-01',
'Fuck that too');

cqlsh:test1> CREATE INDEX campaignIdIndex ON userinfo2 (campaignId);
*Bad Request: Cannot create index on PRIMARY KEY part campaignid*
*Perhaps you meant to use CQL 2? Try using the -2 option when starting

Building an index on other columns works,
cqlsh:test1> CREATE INDEX campaignIdIndex ON userinfo2 (somevalue);

Am I doing something wrong? Are indexes on composite column supported ? If
not, a suggestion for a work around?

Thank you,

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