You will have better luck with Data Stax Enterprise questions on their support forums: Cheers ----------------- Aaron Morton Freelance Developer @aaronmorton On 31/10/2012, at 4:17 PM, dong.yajun <> wrote: > hi list, > > Just forward my colleague's issue: > > > I found a question of using solr in Cassandra > > I have 4 node cluster deployment enterprise version of Cassandra,and My > backup factor set to 4(sudo /home/mis/jacky/dse-2.1/bin/dse cassandra -s > -Dsolr.replication=4) > > > Why search over time, more than the default 10 seconds, I check log found > call numerous methods of [ (line 76) > collectTimeOrderedData] And return to empty the result set > > > I find the days reason did not find what kind of question is that > > > I am so search : get solr where solr_query=’type:1’; > > >