I am not entirely clear on what
http://wiki.apache.org/cassandra/VirtualNodes/Balance#imbalance is saying
with respect to random vs. manual token selection. Can/should i assume that
i will get even range distribution or close to it with random token
selection? For the sake of discussion, what is a reasonable default to
start with for num_tokens assuming nodes are homogenous? That wiki page
mentions a default of 256 which I see commented out in cassandra.yaml;
however, Config.num_tokens is set to 1. Maybe I missed where the default of
256 is used. From some initial testing though, it looks like 1 token per
node is being used. Using defaults in cassandra.yaml, I see this in my logs,

WARN [main] 2012-10-31 12:06:48,591 StorageService.java (line 639)
Generated random token [-8703249769453332665]. Random tokens will result in
an unbalanced ring; see http://wiki.apache.org/cassandra/Operations


- John

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