On Thu, Oct 18, 2012 at 12:00 PM, Michael Kjellman
<mkjell...@barracuda.com> wrote:
> Unless you have Brisk (however as far as I know there was one fork that got
> it working on 1.0 but nothing for 1.1 and is not being actively maintained
> by Datastax) or go with CFS (which comes with DSE) you are not guaranteed
> all data is on that hadoop node. You can take a look at the forks if
> interested here: https://github.com/riptano/brisk/network but I'd personally
> be afraid to put my eggs in a basket that is certainly not super supported
> anymore.
> job.getConfiguration().set("cassandra.consistencylevel.read", "QUORUM");
> should get you started.
This is what I don't understand. With QUORUM you read data from at
least two nodes. If so, you don't benefit from data locality. What's
the point to use hadoop? I can run application on any machine(s) and
iterate through column family. What is the difference?

Thank you,

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