Hi all

I'm running Cassandra 1.0.11 on Ubuntu 11.10.

I've got a ghost node which keeps showing up on my ring.

A node living on IP and token 0 died and had to be replaced.
I replaced it with a new node, IP and again token 0 with a
"-Dcassandra.replace_token=0" at startup. This all went well but now I'm
seeing the following weirdness constantly reported in the log files around
the ring:

 INFO [GossipTasks:1] 2012-10-18 13:39:22,441 Gossiper.java (line 632)
FatClient / has been silent for 30000ms, removing from gossip
 INFO [GossipStage:1] 2012-10-18 13:40:25,933 Gossiper.java (line 838) Node
/ is now part of the cluster
 INFO [GossipStage:1] 2012-10-18 13:40:25,934 Gossiper.java (line 804)
InetAddress / is now UP
 INFO [GossipStage:1] 2012-10-18 13:40:25,937 StorageService.java (line
1017) Nodes / and / have the same token 0.
Ignoring /
 INFO [GossipTasks:1] 2012-10-18 13:40:37,509 Gossiper.java (line 818)
InetAddress / is now dead.
 INFO [GossipTasks:1] 2012-10-18 13:40:56,526 Gossiper.java (line 632)
FatClient / has been silent for 30000ms, removing from gossip

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