You can double check the node reporting 9.109 as down can telnet to port 7000 
on 9.109. 

Then I would restart 9.109 with -Dcassandra.load_ring_state=false added as a 
JVM param in 

If is still shows as down can you post the output from nodetool gossipinfo from 
9.109 and the node that sees 9.109 as down. 


Aaron Morton
Freelance Developer

On 18/10/2012, at 8:45 PM, Rene Kochen <> wrote:

> I have a four node EC2 cluster.
> Three machines show via nodetool ring that all machines are UP.
> One machine shows via nodetool ring that one machine is DOWN.
> If I take a closer to the machine reporting the other machine as down, I see 
> the following:
> - StorageService.UnreachableNodes =
> - FailureDetector.SimpleStates: = UP
> So gossip is fine. Actually the whole machine is fine. I see in 
> the logging that there is communication between and the machine 
> reporting it as down.
> How or when is a node removed from the UnreachableNodes list and reported as 
> UP again via nodetool ring?
> I use Cassandra 1.0.11
> Thanks!
> Rene

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