Hello All, We need to store about 40G of binary files in a redundant way and since we are already using Cassandra for other applications we were thinking that we could just solve that problem using the same Cassandra cluster. Each individual File will be approximately 1MB.
We are thinking that the data structure should be very simple for this case, using one CF with just one column which will contain the actual files. The row key should then uniquely identify each file. Speed is not an issue when we retrieving the files. Impacting other applications using Cassandra is more important for us. In order to prevent performance issues with other applications using our Cassandra cluster at the moment, we think we should disable key_cache and row_cache for this column family. Anyone tried this before or anyone thinks this is going to be a bad idea? Do you think our current plan is sensible? Any input would be much appreciated. Thank you in advance. Regards, Vasilis