May end up with a local 9160 connection if you are using cassandra-cli, cqlsh 
or hadoop on the node. 

>  I also observed that local write latency is around 30-40 microsecond, while 
> its takes around .5 miliseconds if the chosen node is not the node 
> responsible for the key for 50K QPS

What CL ? 


Aaron Morton
Freelance Developer

On 3/10/2012, at 4:57 AM, "Hiller, Dean" <> wrote:

> Can you just use netstat and dig into the process id and do a ps -ef |
> grep <pid> to clear up all the confusion.  Doing so you can tell which
> process communicates with which process(I am assuming you are on linuxŠ.on
> MAC or windows it is different commands).
> Then, just paste all that in the email to this list so we can see it.
> MY GUESS is someone is running a tool that is talking thrift on your
> cassandra node????  Maybe another server like a web server?
> Later,
> Dean
> On 10/2/12 9:50 AM, "Nick Bailey" <> wrote:
>> The comments here so far are correct. Cassandra itself will never open
>> a thrift connection. Thrift is only for clients. Not sure what exactly
>> you are seeing but I don't think it's cassandra.
>> On Tue, Oct 2, 2012 at 10:48 AM, Niteesh kumar <>
>> wrote:
>>> not only a node make connection to other nodes. i can also see nodes
>>> making
>>> connection to itself on port 9160.
>>> On Tuesday 02 October 2012 07:42 PM, Viktor Jevdokimov wrote:
>>>> not a thrift por

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