Hey Ben. Yes, that's what I'm doing.

Do you know where (which e-mail thread) was it discussed? I would like to
know a little further about it.
Anyway, if I try to use the method Schema.instance.getTables, that returns
a list of all registered tables (keyspaces) into the system, it returns
Do you have some idea about why is it happening?

Thank you very much.

Felipe Mathias Schmidt
*(Computer Science UFRGS, RS, Brazil)*

2012/10/2 Ben Hood <0x6e6...@gmail.com>

> Filipe,
> On Tue, Oct 2, 2012 at 2:56 PM, Felipe Schmidt <felipef...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > Seems like the information was dropped or, maybe, not existent in this
> > instance of the Schema. But, as soon as I know, it's just one instance of
> > the schema in Cassandra, right?
> If I understand you correctly, you are trying to process the commit
> log to get a change list?
> If so, then this question has been asked and the general consensus is
> that whilst being possible, the commit log is an internal apparatus
> subject to change that is not guaranteed to give you the information
> you think you should get. Other suggested approaches include producing
> your event stream of mutations using AOP or multiplexing change events
> on the app layer as they go into Cassandra.
> HTH,
> Ben

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