Have you tried nodetool resetlocalschema on the 1.1.5 ?


Aaron Morton
Freelance Developer

On 20/09/2012, at 11:41 PM, Thomas Stets <thomas.st...@gmail.com> wrote:

> A follow-up:
> Currently I'm back on version 1.1.1.
> I tried - unsuccessfully - the following things:
> 1. Create the missing keyspace on the 1.1.5 node, then copy the files back 
> into the data directory.
> This failed, since the keyspace was already known on the other node in the 
> cluster.
> 2. shut down the 1.1.1 node, that still has the keyspace. Then create the 
> keyspace on the 1.1.5 node.
> This failes since the node could not distribute the information through the 
> cluster.
> 3. Restore the system keyspace from the snapshot I made before the upgrade.
> The restore seemed to work, but the node behaved just like after the update: 
> it just forgot my keyspace.
> Right now I'm at a loss on how to proceed. Any ideas? I'm pretty sure I can 
> reproduce the problem,
> so if anyone has an idea on what to try, or where to look, I can do some 
> tests (within limits)
> On Wed, Sep 19, 2012 at 4:43 PM, Thomas Stets <thomas.st...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I consistently keep losing my keyspace on upgrading from cassandra 1.1.1 to 
> 1.1.5
> I have the same cassandra keyspace on all our staging systems:
> development:  a 3-node cluster
> integration: a 3-node cluster
> QS: a 2-node cluster
> (productive will be a 4-node cluster, which is as yet not active)
> All clusters were running cassandra 1.1.1. Before going productive I wanted 
> to upgrade to the
> latest productive version of cassandra.
> In all cases my keyspace disappeared when I started the cluster with 
> cassandra 1.1.5.
> On the development system I didn't realize at first what was happening. I 
> just wondered that nodetool
> showed a very low amount of data. On integration I saw the problem quickly, 
> but could not recover the
> data. I re-installed the cassandra cluster from scratch, and populated it 
> with our test data, so our
> developers could work.
>  ...  
>   TIA, Thomas

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