What Compaction Strategy are you using ? Are there any errors in the logs ? If you restart a node how long does it take for the numbers to start to rise ?
Cheers ----------------- Aaron Morton Freelance Developer @aaronmorton http://www.thelastpickle.com On 18/09/2012, at 7:39 AM, Michael Kjellman <mkjell...@barracuda.com> wrote: > Hi All, > > I have an issue where each one of my nodes (currently all running at 1.1.5) > is reporting around 30,000 pending compactions. I understand that a pending > compaction doesn't necessarily mean it is a scheduled task however I'm > confused why this behavior is occurring. It is the same on all nodes, > occasionally goes down 5k pending compaction tasks, and then returns to > 25,000-35,000 compaction tasks pending. > > I have tried a repair operation/scrub operation on two of the nodes and while > compactions initially happen the number of pending compactions does not > decrease. > > Any ideas? Thanks for your time. > > Best, > michael > > > 'Like' us on Facebook for exclusive content and other resources on all > Barracuda Networks solutions. > Visit http://barracudanetworks.com/facebook > >