We've run exactly into the same problem recently. Some specific keys in a couple CFs accumulate a fair amount of column churn over time.
Pre Cassandra 1.x we scheduled full compactions often to purge them. However, when we moved to 1.x but we adopted the recommended practice of avoiding full compactions. The problem took a while to manifest itself, but over the course of several weeks (few months) of not doing full compactions the load on those services slowly increased...and despite we have everything monitored, it was not trivial to find out that it was the accumulation of tombstones on 'some' keys, for 'some' CF in the cluster that were really causing long latencies and CPU spikes (high CPU is a typical signature when having a fair amount of tombstones in the SSTables). Is there any JIRA or enhancement to perhaps be able to detect when certain column tombstones can be deleted in minor compactions? The new introduction of SSTable min-max timestamps might help? or perhaps there are new ones coming up that I'm not aware of .... I'm saying this because there is absolutely no way (that I know of) to find out or monitor when Cassandra encounters many column tombstones when doing searches. That alone could help detect these cases so one can change the data model and/or realize that needs full compactions. For example a new metric at the CF level that tracks % of tombstones read per row (ideally a histogram based on row size), or perhaps spit something out in the logs (a la mysql slowquery log) when a wide row is read and a certain % of tombstone columns are encountered...this alone can be a huge help in at least detecting the latent problem. ...what we had to do to fully debug and understand the issue was to build some tools that scanned SSTables and provided some of those stats. In a large cluster that is painful to do. Anyway, just wanted to chime in the thread to provide our input in the matter. Cheers, Josep M. On Mon, Sep 17, 2012 at 2:01 AM, Rene Kochen <rene.koc...@emea.schange.com>wrote: > Oke, thanks! > > So a column tombstone will only be removed if all row fragments are > present in the tables being compacted. > > I have a row called "Index" which contains columns like "page0", > "page1", "page2", etc. Every several minutes, new columns are created > and old ones deleted. The problem is that I now have an "Index" row in > several SSTables, but the column tombstones are never deleted. And > reading the "Index" row (and all its column tombstones) takes longer > and longer. > > If I do a major compaction, all tombstones are deleted and reading the > "index" row takes one millisecond again (and all the garbage-collect > issues because of this). > > Is it not advised to use rows with many new column creates/deletes > (because of how minor compactions work)? > > Thanks! > > Rene > > 2012/9/17 aaron morton <aa...@thelastpickle.com>: > > Does minor compaction delete expired column-tombstones when the row is > > also present in another table which is > > > > No. > > Compaction is per Column Family. > > > > Tombstones will be expired by Minor Compaction if all fragments of the > row > > are contained in the SSTables being compacted. > > > > Cheers > > > > ----------------- > > Aaron Morton > > Freelance Developer > > @aaronmorton > > http://www.thelastpickle.com > > > > On 15/09/2012, at 6:32 AM, Rene Kochen <rene.koc...@schange.com> wrote: > > > > Hi all, > > > > Does minor compaction delete expired column-tombstones when the row is > > also present in another table which is not subject to the minor > > compaction? > > > > Example: > > > > Say there are 5 SStables: > > > > - Customers_0 (10 MB) > > - Customers_1 (10 MB) > > - Customers_2 (10 MB) > > - Customers_3 (10 MB) > > - Customers_4 (30 MB) > > > > A minor compaction is triggered which will compact the similar sized > > tables 0 to 3. In these tables is a customer record with key "C1" with > > an expired column tombstone. Customer "C1" is also present in table 4. > > Will the minor compaction delete the column (i.e. will the tombstone > > be present in the newly created table)? > > > > Thanks, > > > > Rene > > > > >