> INFO [CompactionExecutor:181] 2012-09-13 12:58:37,443 CompactionTask.java 
> (line
> 221) Compacted to 
> [/var/lib/cassandra/data/Eventstore/EventsByItem/Eventstore-E
> ventsByItem.ebi_eventtypeIndex-he-10-Data.db,].  78,623,000 to 373,348 (~0% 
> of o
> riginal) bytes for 83 keys at 0.000280MB/s.  Time: 1,272,883ms.
There is a lot of weird things here. 
It could be levelled compaction compacting an older file for the first time. 
But that would be a guess. 

> Rebuilding the index gives us back the data for a couple of minutes - then it 
> vanishes again.
Are you able to do a test with SiezedTieredCompaction ? 

Are you able to replicate the problem with a fresh testing CF and some test 

If it's only a problem with imported data can you provide a sample of the 
failing query ? Any maybe the CF definition ? 


Aaron Morton
Freelance Developer

On 14/09/2012, at 2:46 AM, Roland Gude <roland.g...@ez.no> wrote:

> Hi,
> we have been running a system on Cassandra 0.7 heavily relying on secondary 
> indexes for columns with TTL.
> This has been working like a charm, but we are trying hard to move forward 
> with Cassandra and are struggling at that point:
> When we put our data into a new cluster (any 1.1.x version – currently 1.1.5) 
> , rebuild indexes and run our system, everything seems to work good – until 
> in some point of time index queries do not return any data at all anymore 
> (note that the TTL has not yet expired for several months).
> Rebuilding the index gives us back the data for a couple of minutes - then it 
> vanishes again.
> What seems strange is that compaction apparently is very aggressive:
> INFO [CompactionExecutor:181] 2012-09-13 12:58:37,443 CompactionTask.java 
> (line
> 221) Compacted to 
> [/var/lib/cassandra/data/Eventstore/EventsByItem/Eventstore-E
> ventsByItem.ebi_eventtypeIndex-he-10-Data.db,].  78,623,000 to 373,348 (~0% 
> of o
> riginal) bytes for 83 keys at 0.000280MB/s.  Time: 1,272,883ms.
> Actually we have switched to LeveledCompaction. Could it be that leveled 
> compaction does not play nice with indexes?

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