On Tue, Sep 11, 2012 at 4:21 PM, Edward Sargisson <edward.sargis...@globalrelay.net> wrote: > If the downed node is a seed node then neither of the replace a dead node > procedures work (-Dcassandra.replace_token and taking initial_token-1). The > ring remains split. > [...] > In other words, if the host name is on the seeds list then it appears that > the rest of the ring refuses to bootstrap it.
Close, but not exactly... "./src/java/org/apache/cassandra/service/StorageService.java" line 559 of 3090 " if (DatabaseDescriptor.isAutoBootstrap() && DatabaseDescriptor.getSeeds().contains(FBUtilities.getBroadcastAddress()) && !SystemTable.isBootstrapped()) logger_.info("This node will not auto bootstrap because it is configured to be a seed node."); " getSeeds asks your seed provider for a list of seeds. If you are using the SimpleSeedProvider, this basically turns the list from "seeds" in cassandra.yaml on the local node into a list of hosts. So it isn't that the other nodes have this node in their seed list.. it's that the node you are replacing has itself in its own seed list, and shouldn't. I understand that it can be tricky in conf management tools to make seed nodes' seed lists not contain themselves, but I believe it is currently necessary in this case. FWIW, it's unclear to me (and Aaron Morton, whose curiousity was apparently equally piqued and is looking into it further..) why exactly seed nodes shouldn't bootstrap. It's possible that they only shouldn't bootstrap without being in "hibernate" mode, and that the code just hasn't been re-written post replace_token/hibernate to say that it's ok for seed nodes to bootstrap as long as they hibernate... =Rob -- =Robert Coli AIM>ALK - rc...@palominodb.com YAHOO - rcoli.palominob SKYPE - rcoli_palominodb