Many queries on small portion of the data….sounds like playORM ;).

As long as you partition your data with playOrm, you can do really fast queries 
into that data by partition using Scalabla SQL (SQL with the addition of a 
partition clause in front as to what partitions you are querying).  Joins are 
currently being added as well and should be just as fast as an RDBMS join as 


From: John Onusko <<>>
Reply-To: "<>" 
Date: Friday, August 31, 2012 2:29 PM
To: "<>" 
Subject: Cassandra and Apache Drill

ts, but the job oriented processing is too slow when you need to execute many 
queries on a small portion of the data. It seems like Apache Drill might be the 
right answer to this problem. I see HBase mentioned as a possible integration 
point with Drill, but no mention of Cassandra. Has anyone taken a look at Dr

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