On Sun, Aug 26, 2012 at 9:28 PM, Amit Handa <amithand...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> i basically want to do hands-on on Super Column family concept, making some
> examples using hector api, and manually adding the data.
> I explored hector-example project, but only got very starting level of super
> column family example.
> i am in search of more super column family examples using hector api. can i
> get some link and references related to it?

Is there a specific reason you want to use SuperColumns?  Basically,
it's a "feature" that the developers say you shouldn't use.  Most
people don't use them because of the rather poor performance
characteristics SC's have.

Aaron Turner
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Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary
Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.
    -- Benjamin Franklin
"carpe diem quam minimum credula postero"

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