Yes, the telnet does not work.
Don't know what it was but switching to 1.1.4 solved the issue.

On Mon, Aug 20, 2012 at 6:17 PM, Hiller, Dean <> wrote:
> My guess is "telnet localhost 7199" also fails?  And if you are on linux
> and run netstat -anp, you will see no one is listening on that port?
> So database node did not start and bind to that port and you would see
> exception in the logs of that database nodeŠ.just a guess.
> Dean
> On 8/20/12 4:10 PM, "A J" <> wrote:
>>I am running 1.1.3
>>Nodetool on the database node (just a single node db) is giving the error:
>>Failed to connect to 'localhost:7199': Connection refused
>>Any idea what could be causing this ?

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