Thanks Nick for your answers. The blog post is very well written and was
much needed i guess.

On Fri, Aug 17, 2012 at 8:30 PM, Nick Bailey <> wrote:

> This blog post should help:
> But to answer your question:
> >> UnavailableException is bit tricky. It means, that not all replicas
> >> required by CL received update. Actually you do not know, whenever
> update
> >> was stored or not, and actually what went wrong.
> >>
> This is actually incorrect. If you get an UnavailableException, the
> write was rejected by the coordinator and was not written anywhere.
> >>> a) Suppose we are doing a ConsistencyLevel.ALL write on a 3 node
> cluster.
> >>> My understanding is that if one of the nodes is down and the
> coordinator
> >>> node is aware of that(through gossip), then it will respond to the
> request
> >>> with an UnavailableException. Is this correct?
> Correct
> >>>
> >>> b) What happens if the coordinator isn't aware of a node being down and
> >>> sends the request to all the nodes and never hears back from one of the
> >>> node. Would this result in a TimedOutException or a
> UnavailableException?
> >>>
> You will get a TimedOutException
> >>> c) I am trying to understand the cases where the client receives an
> >>> error, but data could have been inserted into Cassandra. One such case
> is
> >>> the TimedOutException. Are there any other situations like these?
> >>>
> This should be the only case.

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