aaron, i understand Ruby client automatically re-connects. thanks,satoshi --- On Mon, 2012/8/13, aaron morton <aa...@thelastpickle.com> wrote:
My rough understanding of the ruby code is that it auto connects if necessary when you make a request. i.e. your get turns into a _multiget call here https://github.com/twitter/cassandra/blob/master/lib/cassandra/protocol.rb#L52 and that result is in a client connection if necessary https://github.com/twitter/cassandra/blob/master/lib/cassandra/cassandra.rb#L1043 If you still feel there is an problem the Issue list of github is probably the place to go https://github.com/twitter/cassandra/issues Cheers -----------------Aaron MortonFreelance Developer@aaronmortonhttp://www.thelastpickle.com On 13/08/2012, at 2:27 PM, Satoshi Yamada <bigtvioletb...@yahoo.co.jp> wrote: hi, I wonder if disconnect! method works properly in gem cassandrabecause the code below does not cause exception. ----------------- client = Cassandra.new('pool', host_ip) ret = client.get(:db, 'test', key, option_one)p retclient.disconnect! ret = client.get(:db, 'test', key, option_one)p ret ----------------- I use gem cassandra 0.14.0http://rubygems.org/gems/cassandra/versions/0.14.0 thanks in advance,satoshi