> Using this method, when choosing the new <Token>, should we still use the T-1 
> ?
(AFAIK) No. 
replace_token is used when you want to replace a node that is dead. In this 
case the dead node will be identified by its token.

> if so, would the duplicate token (same token but different ip) cause problems?

If the nodes are bootstrapping an error is raised. 
Otherwise the token ownership is passed to the new node. 


Aaron Morton
Freelance Developer

On 15/08/2012, at 11:07 AM, Yang <teddyyyy...@gmail.com> wrote:

> previously when a node dies, I remember the documents describes that it's 
> better to assign T-1 to the new node,
> where T was the token of the dead node.
> the new doc for 1.x here
> http://wiki.apache.org/cassandra/Operations#Replacing_a_Dead_Node
> shows a new way to  pass in cassandra.replace_token=<Token>  
> for the new node.  
> Using this method, when choosing the new <Token>, should we still use the T-1 
> ?
> Also in Priam code:
> https://github.com/Netflix/Priam/blob/master/priam/src/main/java/com/netflix/priam/identity/InstanceIdentity.java
> line 148, it does not seem that Priam does the "-1" thing, but assigns the 
> original token T to the new node.
> if so, would the duplicate token (same token but different ip) cause problems?
> Thanks
> Yang

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