I'm trying the cassandra 1.1.3 on a DualCore SLES10SP4 32bit machine.
The setup is just one single node.  The cassandra receives an exception
(see below) and cores when trying to initialize a keyspace/column
family. I can reproduce the crasch with the setup/config files included
in the tar.gz. distribution.  
1. remove any old crap from /var/lib/cassandra
2. start the cassandra and observe output: bin/cassandra -f
3. In another shell, exec bin/cassandra-cli -h -f datadef.txt
Where datadef.txt:
create keyspace tst4
       with placement_strategy =
       and strategy_options = {replication_factor:1};
use tst4;

create column family dirs_ch
       with comparator = AsciiType
       and column_metadata = [
       { column_name:'str', validation_class:AsciiType},
       { column_name:'str1', validation_class:AsciiType},
       { column_name:'assoc_str', validation_class:AsciiType}];
Here is (part) of the output from the when cassandra crasches:
Unhandled exception

Type=Segmentation error vmState=0x00000000

J9Generic_Signal_Number=00000004 Signal_Number=0000000b
Error_Value=00000000 Signal_Code=00000001   
Handler1=B75B1443 Handler2=B758A859 InaccessibleAddress=000000B4

EDI=B760F560 ESI=71EC1532 EAX=00000022 EBX=71D35BA0

ECX=086050EC EDX=00000080

EIP=B6584E15 ES=007B DS=007B ESP=08605080

EFlags=00010202 CS=0073 SS=007B EBP=082FCB00



Target=2_40_20101124_069295 (Linux

CPU=x86 (2 logical CPUs) (0xf4ddb000 RAM)            
If I do exactly the same but with the following file  i.e just one less
column_metadata,  cassandra survives. 
create keyspace tst4
       with placement_strategy =
       and strategy_options = {replication_factor:1};

use tst4;

create column family dirs_ch
       with comparator = AsciiType
       and column_metadata = [
       { column_name:'str', validation_class:AsciiType},
       { column_name:'assoc_str', validation_class:AsciiType}];
I've tried with Cassandra 1.0.9 and it is working just fine !!! 
Any idea ??
rds /Robban

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