I agree with Edward. We always develop our own stress tool that tests each use case of interest. Every use case is different in certain ways that can only be tested using custom stress tool.
On Fri, Aug 10, 2012 at 7:25 AM, Edward Capriolo <edlinuxg...@gmail.com>wrote: > There are many YCSB forks on github that get optimized for specific > databases but the default one is decent across the defaults. Cassandra > has it's own internal stress tool that we like better. > > The short comings are that generic tools and generic workloads are > generic and thus not real-world. But other then that being able to > tweak the workload percentages and change the read patterns from > latest/random/etc does a decent job of stressing normal and worst-case > scenarios on the read path. Still I would try to build my own real > world use case as a tool to evaluate a solution before making a > choice. > > Edward > > On Thu, Aug 9, 2012 at 8:58 PM, Roshni Rajagopal > <roshni.rajago...@wal-mart.com> wrote: > > Hi Folks, > > > > I'm coming up with a set of decision criteria on when to chose > traditional RDBMS vs various NoSQL options. > > So one aspect is the application requirements around Consistency, > Availability, Partition Tolerance, Scalability, Data Modeling etc. These > can be decided at a theoretical level. > > > > Once we are sure we need NoSQL, to effectively benchmark the performance > around use-cases or application workloads, we need a standard method. > > Some tools are specific to a database like cassandra's stress tool.The > only tool I could find which seems to compare across NoSQL databases, and > can be extended and is freely available is YCSB. > > > > Is YCSB updated for latest versions of cassandra and hbase? Does it work > for Datastax enterprise? Is it regularly updated for new versions of NoSQL > databases, or is this something we would need to take up as a development > effort? > > > > Are there any shortcomings to using YCSB- and would it be preferable to > develop own tool for performance benchmarking of NoSQL systems. Do share > your thoughts. > > > > > > Regards, > > Roshni > > > > This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and > intended solely for the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If > you have received this email in error destroy it immediately. *** Walmart > Confidential *** >