Dave, per my understanding of Yan's description he has 3 nodes and took one
down manually to test; that should have worked, no?

On Thu, Jul 26, 2012 at 11:00 PM, Dave Brosius <dbros...@mebigfatguy.com>wrote:

>  Quorum is defined as
> (replication_factor / 2) + 1
> therefore quorum when rf = 2 is 2! so in your case, both nodes must be up.
> Really, using Quorum only starts making sense as a 'quorum' when RF=3
> On 07/26/2012 10:38 PM, Yan Chunlu wrote:
> I am using Cassandra 1.0.2, have a 3 nodes cluster. the consistency level
> of read & write are  both QUORUM.
>  At first the RF=1, and I figured that one node down will cause the
> cluster unusable. so I changed RF to 2, and run nodetool repair on every
> node(actually I did it twice).
>  After the operation I think my data should be in at least two nodes, and
> it would be okay if one of them is down.
> But when I tried to simulate the failure, by disablegossip of one node,
> and the cluster knows this node is down. then access data from the cluster,
> it returned  "MaximumRetryException"(pycassa).   as my experiences this is
> caused by "UnavailableException", which is means the data it is requesting
> is on a node which is down.
>  so I wonder my data might not be replicated right, what should I do?
> thanks for the help!
>  here is the keyspace info:
>  *
> *
>  *Keyspace: comments:*
> *  Replication Strategy: org.apache.cassandra.locator.SimpleStrategy*
> *  Durable Writes: true*
> *    Options: [replication_factor:2]*
>  the scheme version is okay:
>  *[default@unknown] describe cluster;*
> *Cluster Information:*
> *   Snitch: org.apache.cassandra.locator.SimpleSnitch*
> *   Partitioner: org.apache.cassandra.dht.RandomPartitioner*
> *   Schema versions: *
> * f67d0d50-b923-11e1-0000-4f7cf9240aef: [,,
>  the loads are as below:
>  *nodetool -h localhost ring*
> *Address         DC          Rack        Status State   Load
>  Owns    Token                                       *
> *
>        113427455640312821154458202477256070484     *
> *    datacenter1 rack1       Up     Normal  28.77 GB
>  33.33%  0                                           *
> *    datacenter1 rack1       Up     Normal  26.67 GB
>  33.33%  56713727820156410577229101238628035242      *
> *   datacenter1 rack1       Up     Normal  33.25 GB
>  33.33%  113427455640312821154458202477256070484    *

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