Hi To create: ColumnFamilyDefinition counters = createBasicCfDef( KEYSPACE, Consts.COUNTERS, ComparatorType.UTF8TYPE, null, "CounterColumnType", "CompositeType(UTF8Type,UUIDType)"); counters.setReplicateOnWrite(true); cluster.addColumnFamily(counters, true);
to increment (add) counter public static void incrementCounter(Composite key, String columnName, long inc) { Mutator<Composite> mutator = HFactory.createMutator(keyspace, CompositeSerializer.get()); mutator.incrementCounter(key, Consts.COUNTERS, columnName, inc); mutator.execute(); } Regards, *Tamar Fraenkel * Senior Software Engineer, TOK Media [image: Inline image 1] ta...@tok-media.com Tel: +972 2 6409736 Mob: +972 54 8356490 Fax: +972 2 5612956 On Wed, Jul 25, 2012 at 8:24 PM, Amila Paranawithana <amila1...@gmail.com>wrote: > > Hi all, > > I want to create counter columns in a column family via a java module. > These column families and counter columns need to be created dynamically. > plz send me some example codes to refer. (with hector or any other method > ) > > Thanks > -- > Amila Iroshani Paranawithana > CSE-University of Moratuwa. > B-http://amilaparanawithana.blogspot.com > T-https://twitter.com/#!/AmilaPara > > >