There are Big Data and NoSQL tracks where Cassandra talks would be appropriate.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Nick Burch <>
Date: Thu, Jul 19, 2012 at 1:14 PM
Subject: Call for Papers for ApacheCon Europe 2012 now open!

Hi All

We're pleased to announce that the Call for Papers for ApacheCon
Europe 2012 is finally open!

(For those who don't already know, ApacheCon Europe will be taking
place between the 5th and the 9th of November this year, in Sinsheim,

If you'd like to submit a talk proposal, please visit the conference
website at <> and sign up for a new account.
Once you've signed up, use your dashboard to enter your speaker bio,
then submit your talk proposal(s). There's more information on the CFP
page on the conference website.

We welcome talk proposals from all projects, from right across the
bredth of projects at the foundation! To make things easier for talk
selection and scheduling, we'd ask that you tag your proposal with the
track that it most closely fits within. The details of the tracks, and
what projects they expect to cover, are available at

(If your project/group of projects was intending to submit a track,
and missed the deadline, then please get in touch with us on
< > straight away, so we can work out if
it's possible to squeeze you in...)

The CFP will close on Friday 3rd August, so you've a little over weeks
to send in your talk proposal. Don't put it off! We'll look forward to
seeing some great ones shortly!

(On behalf of the Conferences committee)

Jonathan Ellis
Project Chair, Apache Cassandra
co-founder of DataStax, the source for professional Cassandra support

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