Hello all, There is a lot of material on Replication factor and Consistency level but I am a little confused by what is happening on my setup. (Cassandra 1.1.2). I would appreciate any answers.
My Setup: A cluster of 2 nodes evenly balanced. My RF =2, Consistency Level; Write = ANY and Read = 1 I know that my consistency is Weak but since my RF = 2, I thought data would be just duplicated in both the nodes but sometimes, querying does not give me the correct (or gives partial) results. In other times, it gives me the right results Is the Read Repair going on after the first query? But as RF = 2, data is duplicated then why the repair? Note: My query is done a while after the Writes so data should have been in both the nodes. Or is this not the case (flushing not happening etc)? I am thinking of making the Write as 1 and Read as QUORAM so R + W > RF (1 + 2 > 2) to give strong consistency. Will that affect performance a lot (generally speaking)? Thanks in advance Regards Jay