Hi Robin,

Im from an analytics background, was working in the traditional BI tools like 
OBIEE and Business Objects, so I am very interested in your evaluations of a 
good analytics toolset combination.
Do share your learnings,

At a high level as I understand, cassandra can be used as the backend for a 
transactional systems ( with the tunable consistency adjusted according to 
requirements ), because it is real time.
However Hadoop is not for a real time scenario. Its primarily for anlaytics- 
non real time processing on huge datasets. The actual information will be 
stored in HDFS file system. You can even use Hadoop as a replacement for 'ETL' 
With a Hadoop cluster you can directly use a statistical programming language 
like 'R' to extract information.
For traditional BI folks like me that’s a new piece to learn- no user friendly 

For a better GUI, we have a new breed of tools like Pentaho, Jaspersoft, 
Karmasphere, Datasphere. Im not exactly sure how all of these work,
I know pentaho works with a Hadoop + Hive combination. Here's a nice ppt which 
explains, from their 'Chief Geek'- I found the whole series of presentations 

Pentaho – hadoop knowledge series



From: Robin Verlangen <ro...@us2.nl<mailto:ro...@us2.nl>>
Reply-To: "user@cassandra.apache.org<mailto:user@cassandra.apache.org>" 
To: "user@cassandra.apache.org<mailto:user@cassandra.apache.org>" 
Subject: Re: Cassandra and Tableau

Thank you Aaron and Brian. We're currently investigating several options. 
Hadoop + Hive combo also seems a good choice as our input files are flat. I'll 
keep you up-to-date about our final decision.

- Robin

2012/7/6 aaron morton <aa...@thelastpickle.com<mailto:aa...@thelastpickle.com>>
Here are two links I've noticed in my travels, have not looked into what they 




Aaron Morton
Freelance Developer

On 7/07/2012, at 3:03 AM, Brian O'Neill wrote:


We have the same issue right now.  We use Tableau for all of our
reporting needs, but we couldn't find any acceptable bridge between it
and Cassandra.

We ended up using cassandra-triggers to replicate the data to Oracle.

Let us know if you get things setup with a direct connection.
We'd be *very* interested int helping out if you find a way to do it.


On Fri, Jul 6, 2012 at 5:31 AM, Robin Verlangen 
<ro...@us2.nl<mailto:ro...@us2.nl>> wrote:
Hi there,

Is there anyone out there who's using Tableau in combination with a
Cassandra cluster? There seems to be no standard solution to connect, at
least I couldn't find one. Does anyone know how to tackle this problem?

With kind regards,

Robin Verlangen
Software engineer

W http://www.robinverlangen.nl
E ro...@us2.nl<mailto:ro...@us2.nl>

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Brian ONeill
Lead Architect, Health Market Science (http://healthmarketscience.com)
blog: http://weblogs.java.net/blog/boneill42/
blog: http://brianoneill.blogspot.com/

With kind regards,

Robin Verlangen
Software engineer

W http://www.robinverlangen.nl
E ro...@us2.nl<mailto:ro...@us2.nl>

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