DataStax would like to recognize individuals who go above and beyond
in their contributions to Apache Cassandra.  To formalize this a
little bit, we're creating an MVP program, the first of which will be
announced at the Cassandra summit [1] in August.

To make this program a success, we need your help to nominate either
yourself or another you think merits consideration.  We're looking for
people who take the initiative organizing user groups, who explain
Cassandra in talks, blogs, Twitter, or other forums, or who answer
questions on the mailing list, IRC, StackOverflow, etc.

Please take five minutes and submit your nomination today at [2].
Nominations will be open throughout the next week.  Those selected
will be notified in advance.


Jonathan Ellis
Project Chair, Apache Cassandra
co-founder of DataStax, the source for professional Cassandra support

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