It's always a good idea to have a read of the NEWS.txt file

Aaron Morton
Freelance Developer

On 12/07/2012, at 5:51 PM, Tyler Hobbs wrote:

> On Wed, Jul 11, 2012 at 8:38 PM, Roshan <> wrote:
> Currently we are using Cassandra 1.0.6 in our production system but suffer
> with the CASSANDRA-3616 (it is already fixed in 1.0.7 version).
> We thought to upgrade the Cassandra to 1.1.X versions, to get it's new
> features, but having some concerns about the upgrade and expert advices are
> mostly welcome.
> 1. Can Cassandra 1.1.X identify 1.0.X configurations like SSTables, commit
> logs, etc without ant issue? And vise versa. Because if something happens to
> 1.1.X after deployed to production, we want to downgrade to 1.0.6 version
> (because that's the versions we tested with our applications).
> 1.1 can handle 1.0 data/schemas/etc without a problem, but the reverse is not 
> necessarily true.  I don't know what in particular might break if you 
> downgrade from 1.1 to 1.0, but in general, Cassandra does not handle 
> downgrading gracefully; typically the SSTable formats have changed during 
> major releases.  If you snapshot prior to upgrading, you can always roll back 
> to that, but you will have lost anything written since the upgrade.
> 2. How do we need to do upgrade process?  Currently we have 3 node 1.0.6
> cluster in production. Can we upgrade node by node? If we upgrade node by
> node, will the other 1.0.6 nodes identify 1.1.X nodes without any issue?
> Yes, you can do a rolling upgrade to 1.1, one node at a time.  It's usually 
> fine to leave the cluster in a mixed state for a short while as long as you 
> don't do things like repairs, decommissions, or bootstraps, but I wouldn't 
> stay in a mixed state any longer than you have to.
> It's best to test major upgrades with a second, non-production cluster if 
> that's an option.
> -- 
> Tyler Hobbs
> DataStax

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