Thanks Aaron for your response. Some follow up questions/assumptions/clarifications :
1. With RandomPartitioner, on a given node, are the keys sorted by their hash_values or original/unhashed keys ? 2. With RandomPartitioner, on a given node, are the columns (for a given key) always sorted by their column_names ? 3. From what I understand, token = hash(key) for a RandomPartitioner, and hence any key-range queries will return bogus results. Although I believe column-range-queries should succeed even in RP if they are always sorted by column_names. -Thanks, Prasenjit On Mon, Jul 9, 2012 at 12:17 AM, aaron morton <> wrote: > for background > > > It maps the start key to a token, and then scans X rows from their on CL > number of nodes. Rows are stored in token order. > > Cheers > > ----------------- > Aaron Morton > Freelance Developer > @aaronmorton > > > On 7/07/2012, at 11:52 PM, prasenjit mukherjee wrote: > > Wondering how a rangequery request is handled if RP is used. Will the > receiving node do a fan-out to all the nodes in the ring or it will > just execute the rangequery on its own local partition ? > > -- > Sent from my mobile device > >