we`re in the middle of extending our cluster from 10 to 30 nodes, we`re
running cassandra 1.1.1...
We`ve generated initial tokens for new nodes:
"0": 0, # existing: node01-01
"1": 5671372782015641057722910123862803524, # new: node02-07
"2": 11342745564031282115445820247725607048, # new: node01-07
"3": 17014118346046923173168730371588410572, # existing: node02-01
"4": 22685491128062564230891640495451214097, # new: node01-08
"5": 28356863910078205288614550619314017621, # new: node02-08
"6": 34028236692093846346337460743176821145, # existing: node01-02
"7": 39699609474109487404060370867039624669, # new: node02-09
"8": 45370982256125128461783280990902428194, # new: node01-09
"9": 51042355038140769519506191114765231718, # existing: node02-02
"10": 56713727820156410577229101238628035242, # new: node01-10
"11": 62385100602172051634952011362490838766, # new: node02-10
"12": 68056473384187692692674921486353642291, # existing: node01-03
"13": 73727846166203333750397831610216445815, # new: node02-11
"14": 79399218948218974808120741734079249339, # new: node01-11
"15": 85070591730234615865843651857942052864, # existing: node02-03
"16": 90741964512250256923566561981804856388, # new: node01-12
"17": 96413337294265897981289472105667659912, # new: node02-12
"18": 102084710076281539039012382229530463436, # existing: node01-05
"19": 107756082858297180096735292353393266961, # new: node02-13
"20": 113427455640312821154458202477256070485, # new: node01-13
"21": 119098828422328462212181112601118874009, # existing: node02-05
"22": 124770201204344103269904022724981677533, # new: node01-14
"23": 130441573986359744327626932848844481058, # new: node02-14
"24": 136112946768375385385349842972707284582, # existing: node01-06
"25": 141784319550391026443072753096570088106, # new: node02-15
"26": 147455692332406667500795663220432891630, # new: node01-15
"27": 153127065114422308558518573344295695155, # existing: node02-06
"28": 158798437896437949616241483468158498679, # new: node01-16
"29": 164469810678453590673964393592021302203 # new: node02-16
then we`ve started to boostrap new nodes,
but due to copy and paste mistake:
* node node01-14 was started with
130441573986359744327626932848844481058 as initial token(so node01-14
has initial_token, what should belong to node02-14), it
should have 124770201204344103269904022724981677533 as initial_token
* node node02-14 was started with
136112946768375385385349842972707284582 as initial token, so it has
token from existing node01-06....
However we`ve used other program for generating previous initial_tokens
and actual token of node01-06 in ring is
Summing up: we have currently this situation in ring:
node02-05 rack2 Up Normal 596.31 GB 6.67%
node01-14 rack1 Up Joining 242.92 KB 0.00%
node01-06 rack1 Up Normal 585.5 GB 13.33%
node02-14 rack2 Up Joining 113.17 KB 0.00%
node02-15 rack2 Up Joining 178.05 KB 0.00%
node01-15 rack1 Up Joining 191.7 GB 0.00%
node02-06 rack2 Up Normal 597.69 GB 20.00%
We would like to get back to our original configuration.
Is it safe to wait for finishing bootstraping of all new nodes and after
that invoke:
* nodetool -h node01-14 move 124770201204344103269904022724981677533
* nodetool -h node02-14 move 130441573986359744327626932848844481058
We should probably run nodetool cleanup on several nodes after that...
Dymarek Mariusz